Tag: trade secrets

CHINA | Protecting Trade Secrets

Protecting trade secrets should be a priority in any jurisdiction. For companies, trade secrets are valuable assets that provide a competitive advantage. Establishing confidentiality and non-competition agreements with employees are crucial and practical ways to protect trade secrets. Below, we outline protecting trade secrets under the Chinese jurisdiction. What is the Legal Definition? According to…

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La tutela del Know-how e dei segreti commerciali alla luce del Decreto legislativo 63/2018

Il furto e l'appropriazione del know-how specifico di un'impresa concorrente permettono di sfruttare l'altrui conoscenza per implementare la propria. L'impresa che se ne appropria si procura infatti un indebito vantaggio concorrenziale ed evolutivo. La problematica della tutela del know how é sempre stato argomento di notevole interesse e complessitá. Occorre innanzitutto definire brevemente cosa si…

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The protection of know-how and trade secrets in light of Italy’s Legislative Decree 63/2018

The theft and the embezzlement of one enterprise’s “know-how” by another enterprise operating in the same field enables the latter to exploit others’ knowledge in order to implement one’s own. Indeed, the company that gets a hold of it obtains a competitive and evolutionary advantage. However, the issue of the protection of know-how has always…

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