Tag: data

CHINA | Getting Prepared for the first Personal Information Protection Law

Big data analytics for many companies is crucial to identify personal consumption characteristics and increase sales. However, many consumers may oppose such practice since companies can mishandle personal information.   Personal Information Protection Law The Personal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic ("PIPL") takes effect from 1 November 2021 and is the first law to…

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Nuova data policy in Cina a tutela dei diritti e della sicurezza nazionale

Data Policy: in Cina si cambia. Dal 1° di settembre entrerà in vigore la “Legge sulla sicurezza dei dati della Repubblica Popolare Cinese”. Ad approvare quella che nel linguaggio comune viene già indicata con l’acronimo LSD è stato, il 10 giugno di quest’anno, il Comitato permanente del 13° Congresso Nazionale del Popolo, principale organo legislativo…

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China Cybersecurity Law, GDPR move to safeguard data

Thirty years ago, the internet was still in its infancy, mobile phones were scarce and “social networks” consisted of little more than your friends from college or high school. Today, our personal and professional lives are connected to public and private digital online networks designed to close the geographical distance of the global world, enhancing…

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