Category: Corporate

CONSULEGIS Autumn Conference 2016 Shanghai

When it comes to today’s transnational business environment, professional cross-border relationships are more important than ever. On 20-23 October, Horizons participated in the CONSULEGIS Autumn Conference 2016 held in Shanghai. CONSULEGIS’ conferences take place twice a year in different global cities. They serve as a collegial event comprised of professional presentations and workshops on topical…

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China moves to become top acquirer of foreign companies

"The Chinese aren't coming, they're already here."  So reports sounding off on China’s ever-growing outbound M&A investment in the west. For those of us operating on the ground in China, Chinese cross-border M&A expansion is not exactly ‘new’ news, but something Horizons has progressed hand-in-hand with for a number of years now. We’ve been…

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Piercing the ‘Corporate Veil’ — Russia

In its Spring newsletter, CONSULEGIS International Litigation & Arbitration Specialist Group presented an abbreviated overview of 23 jurisdictions’ legal views on the topic of when courts may disregard a corporate entity to make owners of the entity personally liable for the debts of the entity—what is commonly thought of as “piercing the corporate veil”.  Among the contributors…

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