Author: Horizons

CHINA | Strengthening Women’s Rights in Work

Amended Protection of Women’s Rights and Interests of the People’s Republic of China (‘Women’s Protection Law’) strengthens women’s rights in work. The revised Women’s Protection Law was adopted on October 30, 2022, by the Standing Committee of the 13th National People’s Congress. Effective from January 1, 2022, the Law brings sexual harassment and discrimination to…

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THAILAND | Corporate Governance Changes

The Thai Civil and Commercial Code Amendment Act (“Act”) brings substantial corporate governance changes. It alters the requirements on corporate governance and the constitution of private companies. The corporate governance changes is effective from  February 16, 2023. The main changes are as follows: Minimum number of shareholders The minimum number of persons to establish a private…

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MEXICO | Using Electronic Signatures

Overview Increasingly in the business world, electronic signatures ('e-signatures') are ulitised to save time and shipping costs. For many companies, legal documents can be executed entirely online without having to meet in-person. Equally, technological advances have enabled securer tools to protect private and legal documents online. In Mexico, e-signatures are increasing used in online transactions…

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