Tag: data security

CHINA | Going Live from 1 September: Measures for the Security Assessment of Outbound Data Transfers

Released on the 7 July 2022, the Measures for the Security Assessment of Outbound Data Transfers becomes effective from 1 September (‘Measures’). The Measures published by the Cyberspace Administration of China supplements the Data Security Law and Personal Information Protection Law adopted in 2021. It setts forth the security assessment obligations for companies in China…

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CHINA | Regulating Algorithms & Protecting Consumers

China issues algorithm provisions to protect online consumers and prohibit unfair competition behaviour. The recently released Administrative Provisions on Algorithm Recommendation of Internet Information Service (“Provisions”) substantially affects technology companies by regulating the use of algorithms. Released by the Cyberspace Administration of China and three other government bodies on 4 January 2022, the Provisions come…

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Nuova data policy in Cina a tutela dei diritti e della sicurezza nazionale

Data Policy: in Cina si cambia. Dal 1° di settembre entrerà in vigore la “Legge sulla sicurezza dei dati della Repubblica Popolare Cinese”. Ad approvare quella che nel linguaggio comune viene già indicata con l’acronimo LSD è stato, il 10 giugno di quest’anno, il Comitato permanente del 13° Congresso Nazionale del Popolo, principale organo legislativo…

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